Renfrewshire and Inverclyde

Intandem Mentoring

Intandem is a national mentoring programme funded by the Scottish Government and managed by Inspiring Scotland. The programme supports children and young people age 8-14 years who are looked after at home and have regular mentoring.

How We Help

We support children and young people in East Dumbartonshire and Inverclyde.

Intandem matches vulnerable young people with a mentor to build a consistent and trusting relationship and improve their chances in life.

The Scottish Government appointed inspiring Scotland to lead the development of the Intandem programme. Aberlour is one of the 13 charities chosen to provide the Intandem service across Scotland.

Children and young people

If you are aged 8-14 and live in East Dunbartonshire or Inverclyde and would like to find out about having a mentor, please get in touch.

Want to become a Mentor?

Aberlour is looking for mentors aged 18 and over who can inspire children and young people in East Dunbartonshire and Inverclyde. You will provide support to help children and young people set goals for themselves and access social opportunities. In return, Aberlour will support you with training, practical experience and an opportunity to connect with our amazing volunteers across Scotland at social and recognition events. If you would like to find out more, please get in touch.


0141 260 9180
G51 4EB
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