Ending child poverty is Aberlour’s central mission as we believe this is the cornerstone of creating a fairer and more equal society. Poverty can contribute to and, often, be a cause of the multiple and intersecting challenges in families’ lives – such as poor physical and mental health, low educational attainment, disability, addiction and substance use and domestic abuse. All children have a right to grow up and live free from poverty. We believe in tackling the root causes of poverty and disadvantage, such as inadequate income, lack of affordable housing, and limited access to education and employment opportunities. We also support reducing levels of debt as this can trap families in poverty. Increasing family income helps families to thrive and is a positive investment in our children and communities. UNCRC insists it is incumbent upon the Scottish Government and public bodies to effectively respond to and address the way in which domestic abuse, and the financial barriers to leaving and recovery, is a driver of child poverty.
Aberlour is committed to the Scottish Government’s vision for a strong and flourishing Scotland where women and girls live free from all forms of violence, abuse, and exploitation, and believe strongly in the need to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) as a root cause of poverty and inequality1. Aberlour works to support women and their children to recover and rebuild their lives following abusive relationships. It is clear that relationship-based practice is a fundamental element in good service delivery, and allows us to build trust with vulnerable people who have had their trust broken time and time again. We hold their fear, shame and trauma and advocate on their behalf when they are struggling, and we elevate their voices when they feel able to raise them, championing them as experts of their own experiences. We collaborate with other partners to beat poverty, disadvantage and discrimination. Giving children an equal chance and the best possible start in life is at the heart of everything we do. This is all a part of our defining mission: “to be brave for our children and young people.” To that end, we urge the Scottish Government to do the same.
Aberlour acknowledges that domestic abuse can happen to all people of all walks of life. However, in this response, we have provided insight on financial considerations when leaving abusive relationships in context of Violence Against Women and Girls, as we provide specialist VAWG services to mothers and their children fleeing abuse. Therefore, this response will include a gendered analysis of the issues queried, based on our experience and insights in supporting women survivors of domestic abuse and their children.
Throughout our response we have highlighted the views and amplified the voices of families we support either directly or by reflecting what they have told us or what we have observed through our work supporting families. This includes from women we support who have experienced domestic abuse, many of whom have experienced financial barriers to fleeing.
Read our response to the Scottish Parliament's Social Justice & Social Security Committee's call for views on financial considerations when leaving an abusive relationship.