
We need your help this Christmas

8 Nov 2019


Harrison wouldn’t be spending Christmas with his mum this year without generous and wonderful people like you supporting Aberlour.

He’s really excited about Christmas and having breakfast with Santa but two years ago it was different story. Caitlin, his mum, was having suicidal thoughts. “Harrison’s birth had been traumatic; we’d had trouble bonding and I had post-natal depression” explains Caitlin. “It was a horrible time to look back on” she adds.

“But Aberlour and Claire [one of our perinatal befrienders] especially saved my life. If she wasn’t there to help me progress and become the woman I am today, then those thoughts could have turned to actions. I can’t thank them enough because I’m here for my little boy and seeing him grow every day”.

This Christmas, Aberlour needs your help. Children like Harrison and parents like Caitlin were helped thanks to Aberlour but there are thousands more children and families across Scotland who need our help.

Of all the gifts you give this Christmas, a gift to Aberlour could be the one that saves lives.

“Please give what you can, pounds, pennies, anything, because it’s a life changing thing” says Caitlin. “Christmas just wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t have my little boy and it wouldn’t be the same for him if he didn’t have me either.”

Donate this Christmas

Donate online, call us on 0800 085 6150, or send a cheque, payable to Aberlour, to Aberlour, Kintail House, Forthside Way, Stirling, FK8 1QZ.

Thank you so much and on behalf of us all at Aberlour, have a very Merry Christmas.

A bad start to life shouldn't mean a bad Christmas

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