
Superhero Mums

1 May 2023

Forget Spiderman, Batman and Superwomen the real superheroes are mums!

It is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week. Perinatal mental illness can affect anyone. Today our blog celebrates all the amazing things mums do on a daily basis. If you take a minute to think about the powers and strengths that mums undertake on everyday you would be forgiven if you did think they were really superhuman.

A mum’s job is never done as they say! From the moment a mum opens their eyes till they close them their duties never stop. Mums might go to bed and worry about that washing load that wasn’t done or the dishwasher that wasn’t emptied but did they think about what they did achieve in the day? Probably not. So mums lets look at the five things you do everyday!


Caring for a baby and young children, whilst cooking, taking care of housework, budgeting and even holding down a paid job shows incredible multi-tasking. Have you found yourself cooking whilst cleaning up the kitchen and nursing a small baby and even stopped to consider how much you do in a day?

2. Healing powers

Being able to make all those tears disappear with a smile, a hug and a being able to read babies cues. Bringing down a temperature and sorting out that nappy rash with a special cream. Making it all better for little ones.

3. Strong

Being able to get through all those tasks while caring for the little ones on next to no sleep. Studies show that new parents get less than five hours sleep a night and overall six years of sleep deprivation.

4. Organisation

At the heart of most families are busy mums with extraordinary organisational skills. Making sure little ones make all their immunisations and attending appointments, prepping dinner and getting the house in order are amazing organisational skills most mums do without even thinking.

5. Magic bag

Whether it’s wipes, snacks, a change of clothes or a safety pin. It’s likely you have it packed in a bag with a few spare ready for any unplanned incident you have already got it covered.

The next time you worry about a load of washing that hasn’t been done or a bin that hasn’t been emptied give yourself a huge squeeze and remember how much you do. Now go put on the kettle and make yourself a hot drink super mum!
