
Statement regarding Child Poverty Delivery Plan

13 Jun 2023

Today, the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Shirley-Anne Somerville shared the Scottish Government’s annual progress update on tackling child poverty. The Scottish Child Payment is making a real difference to our poorest families. But there’s much more urgent action required to lift more children out of poverty and meet child poverty targets. Read the statement from our CEO, SallyAnn Kelly OBE below:-

“We welcome today’s progress report from the Scottish Government on tackling child poverty. It is clear that the Scottish Child Payment is benefitting children across Scotland and making a real difference to low income families. In particular the increase in value of the payment to £25 and the full roll out to families with children under 16 is providing much needed help at a time of severe financial hardship for so many families.

However, as noted by the Poverty and Inequality Commission, it is clear that too many of the key actions in the current Child Poverty Delivery Plan – Best Start, Bright Futures – are simply not being met. There is a lack of urgency in delivering on many of the commitments within the plan. Without immediate and urgent action to tackle the debt crisis, reduce housing costs, support parents into work and maximise the use of devolved social security powers, Scotland will struggle to meet its interim child poverty targets and is unlikely to meet the 2030 targets.

Child poverty is not inevitable, but government must make the right choices to tackle it effectively. Right now it is making too many wrong choices.”
