
Is it possible to put love at the heart of the state care system?

26 Aug 2019

On Sunday, 25th August 2019, our Chief Executive SallyAnn Kelly and Rosie Moore, Co-Chair of the Care Review Love Group, joined Sally Magnusson on BBC Radio Scotland to discuss the need for love in the care system.

This is something which Aberlour has been championing in our own residential homes.

SallyAnn commented:
“I encourage our residential staff to love our children because it is through that love the actions that the child needs to fulfil their potential can happen.”

SallyAnn went on to discuss further support families need:
“Trying to support families to try and prevent the children coming into care in the first place is our biggest challenge in Scotland.”

Rosie stated:

“The benefits of love in the care system are countless. We would have children who would be able to flourish and reach their potential. Children who would feel safe and grow up with a sense of worth and value and recognise they have people around them who care and love them whoever those people maybe. If we have children growing up that have had that support and nurture around them, we are going to have adults that have a sense of confidence, of worth, better well-being, who can build relationships to thrive like they are supposed to.”

Listen to the full interview here:

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