
Financial boost for low income families – a letter to the First Minister

13 May 2020

Together with over 100 children’s charities, faith groups, academics, think tanks, poverty campaigners, and trade unions we have written an open letter to the First Minister calling for a direct financial boost for all families living on low incomes to support them through the Coronavirus crisis.

The letter expresses grave concern that families across Scotland are struggling to stay afloat through the crisis, and that her government’s progress on tackling child poverty is being put at huge risk. It also highlights the impact of the Coronavirus crisis on low-income families, particularly on those already at greater risk of poverty, such as lone parent households. The families we work with are reporting increased financial stress and associated anxiety, loneliness, and more complex mental health problems and applications to our Coronavirus Urgent Assistance Fund have increased by 1400%.

Read the full letter below.

coronavirus urgent assistance fund
