
Children flourish thanks to gifts left in wills

10 Sept 2019

Thanks to a generous gift left in the will of one of our amazing supporters, disabled children across Scotland can experience life to the full.

“I have never been bored. I don’t want to go home” – says Corey, a 13-year old boy with autism and anxiety issues. He has just enjoyed his first weekend away with Aberlour Options Adventures.

Aberlour Options Adventures provides a lifeline service for children experiencing a wide range of disabilities plus vital respite for their families. Funding from gifts in wills has ensured the service can continue and provide lasting memories for kids like Corey.

During his weekend Adventure, Corey met new people and enjoyed himself participating in crate building, kayaking, archery, a beach barbeque, playing snooker and Giant Jenga and to finish off his weekend a game of football.

It’s a world apart from his usual routine. Struggling with anxiety and his autism, Corey doesn’t get to enjoy the experiences that other children his age do such are his support needs.

Not only does he often miss out, his parents and siblings also struggle to cope at times.

A crucial service for families

Aberlour Options Adventures provides a crucial service for families like Corey’s. It provides one day and short residential breaks for children and young people with a range of needs and disabilities. Young people can be included in activities and experiences that they would not be able to do independently, learning new skills and gaining confidence. Parents and carers meanwhile can benefit from the respite they need to support them in their caring role.

Whilst on residential Adventures, young people are in unfamiliar environments and are often meeting a new peer group for the first time. This helps them to build on their social skills and coping skills to deal with change, responsibility, independence and the transition into adulthood.

It’s a vital service that’s only been made possible thanks to generous supporters who have left gifts in their wills to Aberlour.

“We are so thankful to have received this gift from one of Aberlour’s supporters” says Jan Parker, Options Adventures Service Manager. “It’s meant our service can continue to be a lifeline for children like Corey and his family”.

Quick guide to leaving a lasting legacy

  1. Once you’ve taken care of your loved ones, a gift in your will, big or small, will make an invaluable difference in providing love and care for vulnerable children across Scotland.
  2. Your solicitor can help you through the process of creating or amending your will. If you don’t have a solicitor, we’ve partnered with McClure Solicitors who will create or amend a will for free in return for an optional donation to charity.
  3. You can choose to leave a share of your estate, a fixed sum, or a specific item such as a piece of jewellery or shares.
  4. Any gift you make is exempt from inheritance tax because of our 4 charitable status.

To find out more, email or phone 0800 085 6150.


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