
Blog: What does it feel like to work in a children’s care home?

23 Oct 2019

Caring for young people in Scotland is approaching a very exciting moment in its history: the Care Review is reaching its conclusion. I’m excited and determined to play a part in driving its recommendations that will lead to the much-needed improvements to the care sector.

I hear about the care system being described as ‘broken’. I don’t agree. Of course, there are things that need to change but importantly we need to keep doing the things that work really well.

This summer, Aberlour undertook an ‘It’s a Knockout’ fun day. Our four Fife Children’s homes came together on one sun-kissed day to take part. There were games, fun, a barbeque but more importantly there was love, kindness and compassion. There was real evidence of a care system that was working right in front of our eyes.

The kindness, humility and compassion shown by the adults’ present was breathtakingly outstanding.

Aberlour’s Senior Leadership Team and Marketing & Fundraising team were there to witness something I am privileged to see almost every day at Aberlour.

The care system, yes has room to improve, but it’s not broken.

We need more people like Kim Sibbald, our Assistant Service Manager who masterminded the event. She has the drive, determination, commitment, insight and energy to come up with the ideas that give our children and indeed our staff the opportunity to have fun and the memories that will stand them in good stead for their future lives.

She and her team who delivered the event need to be recognised on behalf of all at Aberlour and most importantly the children who took part. It showed love, compassion, kindness and what the power of residential childcare can achieve.

John Ryan,

Assistant Director

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