
Blog: Counting down to incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

8 May 2024

On the evening of 26th of March 2024, Aberlour young person, Vange attended a parliamentary event hosted by Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights) and sponsored by Martin Whitfield, MSP. The reception was planned to celebrate the countdown to incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in Scots law.

Here Vange shares her reflections on the event, the experience that brought her to it, and her hopes for the future for Scotland’s children and young people.

The event highlighted the crucial involvement of children and young people in the UNCRC (incorporation) (Scotland) Bill receiving Royal Assent and celebrated it passing into an Act.

The atmosphere at the event was welcoming and encouraging. There was lots of networking between organisations, as well as engagement with young people.
It was particularly interesting to hear the perspective of other young people that were involved in the work that brought me to the celebration, the Rights Detectives. Some of these young people gave talks. Two points they made in their talks that I feel stood out most were:

  1. A fact – The Scottish Youth Parliament was established one day before the Scottish Parliament.
  2. A perspective I really related to – The Bill passed in December 2023, a week or so before one of the young people turned 18. Knowing that they weren’t so much a child anymore, they felt as though they missed out on it being in place during their childhood. I also turned 18 a week or so after the bill passed.

Looking back on my experience of working with Together, the Rights Detectives were a good group to be a part of and I’m glad to see the work that happened even after I left.

Looking to the future, the Scottish Government should continue to involve children and young people in lived experience groups, so they know that the people that inherit the aftermath of their decisions have their say. I hope that there’s real change that children and young people notice in their day to day lives due to the Act.

