
At a glance: Have the Scottish Political Parties met or missed our manifesto asks?

3 May 2021

Ahead of the Scottish Parliamentary elections we published our own manifesto earlier this year – Cash Now Families Always. We are clear that whoever is in government after this election needs to do more and to do better for all children and families.

We want to make sure all parties prioritise tackling child poverty and that all families who need extra help get the support they need. Our six key manifesto asks outlined the actions we believe can help achieve this.

The five main parliamentary parties have now published their election manifestos. We have been working hard to make sure that all the party manifestos reflect our key asks to help improve the lives of children, young people and families across Scotland.

So, we’ve have had a look to see where the parties have either met or missed our own manifesto asks.

Read more here>>

Read Martin Canavan’s, Head of Policy and Participation at Aberlour, blog with further analysis here.
