
Aberlour Foster Carer raises over £4,200 for families in desperate need

16 Jan 2024

Aberlour foster carer Sarah Byrom launched her new book ‘Marmalade Raspberries & Albrecht – a Poetry Prose Memoir,’ in the summer of 2023. Sales of the book, which is a celebration of the importance families and the ‘often bonkerness of daily, family life,’ has raised over £4,200 for Scottish families trapped in poverty.

The local author values family life and two years ago became a foster carer with Aberlour Children’s Charity. Recognising the importance of Aberlour’s work to support struggling families through its Urgent Assistance Fund, Sarah has covered all costs of publishing her book herself and has donated every penny from the book and cards sale to the emergency relief fund.

Sarah Byrom, author and Aberlour foster carer said: “It has been a joy to finally release ‘Marmalade Raspberries & Albrecht – a Poetry Prose Memoir’ and see it in print after working on it for 14 years. But it has been even more fulfilling to know that the money raised through its sale is helping families struggling across the country to buy the basic essentials their children desperately need.”

Aberlour works across Scotland providing a range of services including family support and fostering. Aberlour’s Urgent Assistance Fund has been a lifeline for many desperate families during the pandemic and the current cost-of-living crisis, giving emergency cash grants to pay for food, utilities, clothing, nappies and other basics. Since April 2021 thousands of families including over 12,000 children have benefited from grants from the Aberlour Urgent Assistance Fund worth over £2 million.

Abby Parkhouse, Community Fundraiser at Aberlour said: “We are thrilled that Sarah has been able to raise over £4,200 through the sale of her book for the Aberlour Urgent Assistance Fund. Right now, 1 in 4 children are living in poverty in Scotland. Across the country children are going without the basics – things most of us take granted – and the need has never been greater.

“Sarah has been able to help many local families buy food, clothe their children and keep the heating on this winter. We are so grateful to Sarah and without supporters like her we wouldn’t be there for the families who need us.”

Maggie*, a mum supported by the Aberlour Urgent Assistance Fund said: “Being awarded a grant from Aberlour got me back on track. I was able to buy food for me and my girls and pay my gas and electricity bill so I could keep my home warm for them. All it took was that little bit of help and it affected everything. It improved my mood; it helped me financially and it helped my relationships with my kids. It was more than just money.”

‘Marmalade Raspberries & Albrecht – a Poetry Prose Memoir’ was launched in Sarah’s childhood home’s garden, an important place in both her and her family’s life, and then at Carberry Tower in June 2023.

*Name changed.
