
Aberlour Calls for Urgent Action on Child Hunger at Scottish Parliament Roundtable

15 May 2024

The First Minister’s stated commitment to ending child poverty cannot be left as “rhetoric”, a leading children’s charity has warned, ahead of a parliamentary summit on free school meals. Aberlour will be advocating for immediate action to address child hunger at a crucial roundtable discussion in the Scottish Parliament this week.

Aberlour will be urging the Scottish Government to take concrete steps to tackle child hunger, including:

  • Expanding eligibility for free school meals: Expanding access to free school meals for all families receiving the Scottish Child Payment would provide immediate relief to thousands of struggling families. This would not only alleviate the burden of school meal debt but also address the issue of hidden school hunger, where children go hungry due to insufficient food at home.
  • Transforming rhetoric into action: The First Minister’s commitment to ending child poverty needs to be translated into tangible measures. Expanding free school meals is a practical solution that can make a real difference in the lives of children right now.
  • Making the one-time abolition of school meal debt permanent: While the previous government’s decision to abolish school meal debt for a year was a positive step, it needs to become a permanent policy. No child should experience the shame and anxiety of school meal debt, and no child should ever go hungry at school.

Martin Canavan from Aberlour said:

“School meal debt is a symptom of a larger issue – families simply don’t have enough to make ends meet.  Every child deserves healthy, nutritious food. Providing free school meals isn’t just about alleviating present hardship, it’s about investing in Scotland’s future. These children are the doctors, teachers, and leaders of tomorrow. By giving them a healthy start, we are investing in the future of our society.”

“The new First Minister’s stated commitment to ending child poverty cannot remain rhetoric, civic and political leaders must ensure it becomes reality.”

“Aberlour is urging the Scottish Government to include a clear commitment to expanding free school meals in the upcoming Programme for Government. This would send a powerful message that Scotland prioritises the well-being of its children and that no child will ever be left hungry again.”


Details of Summit

Universal Free School Meals Roundtable with Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills:

 HOST: Monica Lennon MSP

  • DATE: Wednesday 15 May 2024
  • TIME: 1pm – 3pm
  • LOCATION: In-person, Scottish Parliament, Committee Room 3


The roundtable aims to bring together key stakeholders, community leaders, young people and cross-party representatives for a constructive discussion on the implementation of UFSM and next steps. What lessons can be learned and how can we pick up the pace on rollout, both in primary schools and secondary school provision? 

